Interface WLVirtualKeyboardRootProperties

Optional WLVirtualKeyboardRoot constructor properties.



canvasStartingHeight?: number

The starting height of the Root#viewport's canvas.

canvasStartingWidth?: number

The starting width of the Root#viewport's canvas.

collisionGroup?: number

The collision group that this root's collider will belong to. If null, collider and cursor-target will not be added. 1 by default.

constraints?: LayoutConstraints

The starting layout constraints of the Root.

keyboardDriver?: KeyboardDriver

The KeyboardDriver to dispatch key events to. If null (default), WLRoot.keyboardDriver is used.

keyboardTemplate?: VirtualKeyboardTemplate

The keyboard template to use for the VirtualKeyboard Widget in a VirtualKeyboardRoot.

pointerStyleHandler?: null | PointerStyleHandler

Sets Root#pointerStyleHandler.

preventBleeding?: boolean

Sets Root#preventBleeding.

registerKeyboardDriver?: boolean

Register the default keyboard driver to this root? true by default.

registerPointerDriver?: boolean

Register the default pointer driver to this root? If collisionGroup is null, this is forced to false. true by default.

resolution?: number

Sets Root#resolution.

theme?: Theme

Sets Root#child's Widget#inheritedTheme.

unitsPerPixel?: number

The amount of world units per canvas pixel. Determines the pixel density of the mesh. 0.01 by default.

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